
Some Online Resources for Gifted Students, Their Families and Teachers


For kids – general websites:

https://www.hoagiesgifted.org/hoagies_kids.htm - all sorts of stuff!



For kids – STEM-type activities

https://www.byrdseed.tv/shut/ - Byrdseed TV – opens again after 1st July

https://www.tynker.com/ - Tynker coding for kids, currently free, usually have to pay though

https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html - everything space-related from NASA

https://www.hookedonscience.org/ - experiments, science games, links to other things too

https://nanogirlslab.com/ - NZ’s own Nanogirl, Michelle Dickinson’s STEM projects – have to pay though


For kids – language, arts and humanities activities

https://www.byrdseed.tv/shut/ - Byrdseed TV – opens again after 1st July

http://www.readprint.com/ - free online library

https://poets.org/poems-kids - great selection of poems for any topic

https://www.fastcompany.com/90478307/stuck-at-home-take-free-drawing-classes-from-famous-illustrators – free art classes

https://artsandculture.google.com/– explore an enormous array of arts, places and cultures


For families and teachers – general info + learning/teaching ideas to check out before your kids use them:

https://gifted.tki.org.nz/ - Ministry of Education website

https://parents.education.govt.nz/primary-school/learning-and-development-at-home/support-for-gifted-and-talented-students/ - NZ government website

https://www.giftedchildren.org.nz/ - NZ Association for Gifted Children; a parent-based organisation that supports gifted children and their families; worth joining; runs a library, forum, kids’ and adults’ workshops

https://www.hoagiesgifted.org/ - a very comprehensive and useful site, definitely worth a look

https://www.nagc.org/ - NAGC is the US National Association for Gifted Children – an extensive resource

https://www.gifteddevelopment.com/staff/linda-silverman – a world expert, especially twice-exceptional children and the actual lived experience of being gifted; useful website with lots of information

http://kagegifted.org/resources2020/ - Kentucky Association of Gifted Education (KAGE) has been around for ages; they offer all sorts of good stuff, now including their own list of online resources

https://www.byrdseed.com/ - I think Ian Byrd is great

https://www.khanacademy.org/about – well known to most, a vast array of things to learn about

https://www.khanacademy.org/khan-for-educators/khan-kids-page - for 2-7 year olds

https://ed.ted.com/ - many talks are suitable for kids

https://www.neok12.com/ - educational videos and games

http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments-landing – some (not all) of these projects are good for kids

https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/ - lots of visual and performing arts ideas

https://www.mensaforkids.org/ - lesson plans designed to challenge


For families and teachers – emotional and social wellbeing:

https://www.sengifted.org/ - SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) has been around since 1981; now requires paid membership, but offers a lot

https://www.nicoletetreault.com/single-post/2020/03/18/Cultivating-Calm-Amidst-a-Storm – advice from a neuroscientist about coping with pandemic anxiety – has other relevant posts as well

https://www.nagc.org/sites/default/files/PHP_dec2017_Mindfulness-Kane.pdf - Michele Kane’s advice for parents, plus a section for kids

https://fordhaminstitute.org/ohio/commentary/management-anxiety-begins-home – Dr Sal Mendaglio

http://kagegifted.org/resources2020/ - general, plus some specific ideas about handling Covid-19 stress